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29 October 2002: Genomic Research
Welcome Topic 1: Genomic and Health
Keynote speech: Dr. Francis Collins (Director, Genoma Program NIH)
Comments: Dr. Victor B. Penchaszadeh (Albert Einstein College of Medicine)
Presentation of one relevant case study. Prof. Patricia Marshall /Case Western University)
Discussion of topic presentation and case study in breakout groups
Brief presentations in plenary session
Topic 2: International Guidelines: Genomics and Global Health Equity
Keynote speech: Dr. Abdala Daar (University of Toronto, Canada)
Comments: Dr. Fernando Lolas (Director, Regional Program on Bioethics PAHO/WHO)
Presentation of one relevant case study. Ruth Macklin (Albert Einstein College of Medicine)
Discussion of topic presentation and case study in breakout groups
Brief presentation in plenary session
30 October 2002: Round Table
Topic 1. Bioethic, Genomic Research and Higher Education
Keynote speech: (Diego Gracia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España)
Discussion of topic presentation
Topic 2. Genomic Research and Public Policies
Keynote speech: (Hernán Málaga, PAHO Representative)
Discussion of topic presentation
Topic 3. Bioethic, Genomic Research and its Social Implications
Keynote speech: Leo Pessini, Universidade Sao Camilo, Brasil.
Discussion of topic presentation
Brief presentation in plenary session
Conclusions and Closure